FinderHotkey Cheatsheet
The Finder is the default file manager and graphical user interface shell used on all Macintosh operating systems. Described in its "About" window as "The Macintosh Desktop Experience", it is responsible for the launching of other applications, and for the overall user management of files, disks, and network volumes.
A visual cheat-sheet for the 98 keyboard shortcuts found in Finder
⌘ r | Show the original file for the selected alias. |
⌥ ⌘ v | Move the files in the Clipboard to the current location. |
⌥ ⌘ l | Open the Downloads folder. |
⌘ f | Start a Spotlight search in the Finder window. |
⇧ ⌘ h | Open the Home folder of the current macOS user account. |
⌘ / | Hide or show the status bar in Finder windows. |
⌥ ⌘ d | Show or hide the Dock. |
⌥ ⌘ l | Open the Downloads folder. |
⌘ f | Start a Spotlight search in the Finder window. |
⌥ ⌘ t | Show or hide the toolbar when a single tab is open |
⌘ t | Show or hide the tab bar when a single tab is open |
⇧ ⌘ t | Show or hide the tab bar in Finder windows. |
⌥ ⌘ d | Show or hide the Dock. |
⇧ ⌘ i | Open iCloud Drive. |
⌥ ⌘ s | Hide or show the Sidebar in Finder windows. |
⇧ ⌘ h | Open the Home folder of the current macOS user account. |
⌥ ⌘ t | Show or hide the toolbar when a single tab is open |
⇧ ⌘ o | Open the Documents folder. |
⌘ t | Show or hide the tab bar when a single tab is open |
⌘ r | Show the original file for the selected alias. |
⌘ / | Hide or show the status bar in Finder windows. |
⌥ ⌘ s | Hide or show the Sidebar in Finder windows. |
⌥ ⌘ p | Hide or show the path bar in Finder windows. |
⇧ ⌘ u | Open the Utilities folder. |
⇧ ⌘ d | Open the desktop folder. |
⇧ ⌘ u | Open the Utilities folder. |
⌃ ⌘ t | Add the selected item to the sidebar. |
⇧ ⌘ d | Open the desktop folder. |
⇧ ⌘ t | Show or hide the tab bar in Finder windows. |
⌃ ⇧ ⌘ t | Add selected Finder item to the Dock. |
⌥ ⌘ y | View a Quick Look slideshow of the selected files. |
⌃ ⇧ ⌘ t | Add selected Finder item to the Dock. |
⌘ e | Eject the selected disk or volume. |
⇧ ⌘ p | Show or hide the Preview pane in Finder windows. |
⌥ ⌘ y | View a Quick Look slideshow of the selected files. |
⌘ y | Use Quick Look to preview the selected files. |
⇧ ⌘ o | Open the Documents folder. |
⌃ ⌘ t | Add the selected item to the sidebar. |
⇧ ⌘ p | Show or hide the Preview pane in Finder windows. |
⌘ y | Use Quick Look to preview the selected files. |
⌘ e | Eject the selected disk or volume. |
⇧ ⌘ i | Open iCloud Drive. |
⌘ j | Show View Options. |
⌥ ⌘ v | Move the files in the Clipboard to the current location. |
⌥ ⌘ p | Hide or show the path bar in Finder windows. |
⌘ j | Show View Options. |
⌥ ⌘ n | Create a new Smart Folder. |
⌘ d | Duplicate the selected files. |
⇧ ⌘ n | Create a new folder. |
⌃ ⌘ a | Make an alias of the selected item. |
⌥ ⌘ n | Create a new Smart Folder. |
⇧ ⌘ n | Create a new folder. |
⌘ d | Duplicate the selected files. |
⌃ ⌘ a | Make an alias of the selected item. |
⇧ ⌘ c | Open the Computer window. |
⌘ i | Show the Get Info window for a selected file. |
⌘ k | Open the Connect to Server window. |
⇧ ⌘ f | Open the Recents window, showing all recently viewed or changed files. |
⌘ n | Open a new Finder window. |
⇧ ⌘ r | Open the AirDrop window. |
⇧ ⌘ g | Open a Go to Folder window. |
⌘ i | Show the Get Info window for a selected file. |
⇧ ⌘ c | Open the Computer window. |
⇧ ⌘ k | Open the Network window. |
⇧ ⌘ r | Open the AirDrop window. |
⌘ k | Open the Connect to Server window. |
⌘ n | Open a new Finder window. |
⇧ ⌘ k | Open the Network window. |
⇧ ⌘ f | Open the Recents window, showing all recently viewed or changed files. |
⇧ ⌘ g | Open a Go to Folder window. |
→ | Open the selected folder. This works only when in list view. |
⌘ [ | Go to the previous folder. |
⌘ ] | Go to the next folder. |
⌃ ⌘ ↑ | Open the folder that contains the current folder in a new window. |
⌘ ↓ | Open the selected item. |
⌘ ] | Go to the next folder. |
← | Close the selected folder. This works only when in list view. |
← | Close the selected folder. This works only when in list view. |
→ | Open the selected folder. This works only when in list view. |
⌃ ⌘ ↑ | Open the folder that contains the current folder in a new window. |
⌘ ↑ | Open the folder that contains the current folder. |
⌘ ↓ | Open the selected item. |
⌘ [ | Go to the previous folder. |
⌘ ↑ | Open the folder that contains the current folder. |
⌘ 4 | View the items in a Finder window in a gallery. |
⌘ 3 | View the items in a Finder window in columns. |
⌘ 1 | View the items in the Finder window as icons. |
⌘ 2 | View the items in a Finder window as a list. |
⌘ 1 | View the items in the Finder window as icons. |
⌘ 2 | View the items in a Finder window as a list. |
⌘ 3 | View the items in a Finder window in columns. |
⌘ 4 | View the items in a Finder window in a gallery. |
⇧ ⌘ ⌫ | Empty the Trash. |
⇧ ⌘ ⌫ | Empty the Trash. |
⌘ ⌫ | Move the selected item to the Trash. |
⌥ ⇧ ⌘ ⌫ | Empty the Trash without confirmation dialog. |
⌥ ⇧ ⌘ ⌫ | Empty the Trash without confirmation dialog. |
⌘ ⌫ | Move the selected item to the Trash. |